
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Life Hack #3


More like this today.

When I was in high school, I had this odd habit of waking up in the middle of the night in a panic and thinking I'd overslept. Instead of checking the clock like a normal person, I'd sprint into the shower and inevitably my dad would knock on the bathroom door and say, "Bear.  It's 2:30.  Go back to bed."  This happened multiple times. I'd wash my hair, put my wet head on my pillow and sleep another four hours before I actually had to get up and start the daily grind.
Raise your hand, if like me, you washed your hair every day when you were in high school. EVERY DAY.  Put your hand down if you, like me, have realized the error of your ways.  Good.  Wait.  Why are there still hands in the air?  Ladies, we gotta fix this.  You need this hack because I know you need more time in the morning.  And your hair needs to look better.  It just does.  You deserve it.  Guys, this post, like the eyebrow hack from a few months ago, may not be super applicable to you, because you are not as pretty or nice smelling as us.  But read on anyway, just so you know what us pretty lady folk have to think about.

Back when I was a serial washer, I had this ginormous mane of curly auburn hair that I would wash morning after morning, and maybe by the time 6th hour rolled around it would be dry.  I don't know why I thought I needed to wash my coarse, curly hair every day, but I did.  I didn't even exercise daily.  I wasn't in any sports (shocker), and I can tell you I didn't break much of a sweat in my choir rehearsals or piano lessons.  When my younger sisters got to junior high and high school and started to care about their hair, I would watch in dismay as they'd blow dry and curl and straighten only to wash said styles out the next morning. I begged, I pleaded, staaaahp it! Stop the daily assault on your follicles! It took years of pleading and reasoning and proof, but they are now all proud members of the see how long I can go without washing my hair club.  Sometimes I'm a little ashamed because their general level of hygenie has taken a hit (ALEXIS) but, you can't win em all.

So hair's the deal. Your scalp produces oil, just like the rest of your skin.  It works its way from the root of your hair to the surface of your scalp at a rate that is unique to you.  If you have oily skin, you likely have an oily scalp, and if you're on the dry side, a dry scalp. If you have oily skin and fine hair, you may feel it's impossible to skip a day or you will look like a hillbillly before day's end.  Not so.  By over washing your scalp you're actually sending those oil glands into over drive -- she's washing all our hard work away, ramp up boys, we'll show her! -- and you actually end up with even greasier hair. Don't believe me? Just read: 
It's going to take some time to teach your oil glands that they can just chill, but stick with it. Stay strong. And invest in a few products to get you through the non-washing days. I don't want any of you walking around looking horrible and blaming me, okay? The trick is to look like you've washed and styled, and it'll be our little secret that you haven't.

Have you heard of dry shampoo? (This might be old information for many of you, but I'm sure you agree, it's worth sharing.  Stay with me, there's good stuff at the end.) It's basically pressurized powder you can spray on the roots of your hair to absorb extra oil, and it will be your best friend on non-washing days. As with all beauty products, dry shampoos range in price and quality, and in many cases, you get what you pay for.  Fear not, loyal friend, I have most assuredly done the leg work for you and I will now share with you my top dry shampoo choices.  I am always open to suggestions, so speak up if you've found something that is especially bomb.

In my opinion, the best inexpensive have-on-hand option isn't actually a dry shampoo, but straight up baby powder, right from the bottle.  

Shake that magic gently on your scalp, let it sit for a minute and then brush or finger comb it out.  If you have dark hair or roots you're gonna have to work the powder in for a few minutes so it blends in. It's going to take some time to master, but be patient.  It works!  Think about the time when you were at that sophisticated dinner party and got salad dressing on your silk blouse and that supremely elegant woman came running with baking powder and told you to apply some to soak up the oil in order to get the stain out.  Never happened to you? Me either.  But, powder absorbs oil.  No difference if it's on your face, your shirt, or your head. It's science.  If you're looking to venture into the non-washing world, but don't want to spend much, or maybe use something you already own, this is where to start. One bottle will last you years, and the baby scent will make you feel sweet, even if you hate your coworkers/life/outfit that day.

If you're willing to jump right into the dry shampoo world, the best bargain dry shampoo I've used is Dove.  

It's got a nice clean scent and it's really light.  The advantage of a dry shampoo versus a powder is better precision from the aerosol spray head.  You can spray it exactly where you want it, let it sit for a minute and then work it through your hair.  It'll buy you at least a day, and it's great for after a work out (unless you're running a marathon.  Then feel free wash away).  Runners up in this price segment are Batiste and Pssssst!  Avoid Tressemme, it stinks.

The best luxury brand I've used is Living Proof dry shampoo.  

It's newer to the market and it's pricey, at least for my standards ($22 a bottle).  It smells great and is super absorbent.  Living Proof claims that, unlike normal dry shampoos which only soak up oil, their formula traps oil, sweat, and odor, and when the spray gets brushed/ finger combed out, all the gunk is completely eliminated.  I've used it a few times and I've gotten daaayys out of it (like 5).  Take a look:

No filter. Just for you.

On day one (last Thursday) I washed, dried and flat ironed, so it's remained straight and pretty good looking for 5 days.  Also I just taught a yoga class.  And I'm clearly not wearing makeup. Judge away.  I also like this stuff because it builds really good volume without feeling gritty.  This one is a game changer friends.  Go get a bottle.  

Alright ladies, hit me with your questions and concerns, and all you non-washing veterans, feel free to pipe up and tell the others how much better your life is, and how they, too, can have a better life. I understand everyone's hair and lifestyle is different, so I don't expect it's possible for most of you to be quite as lazy as I am. But if this can save you even a day or two, it's worth it, no? Now go forth and stop washing!

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