
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This is what 3.5 looks like

Elle, I apologize for not doing this in a more timely manner. Your birthday fell in the middle of a crazy season for our family—a few trips, a big show, and then summer. 

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Eric warned me not to publish this

I posted this yesterday, and then took it down because it felt like too much to lay bare. I have five other essays I’ve written that are sitting, unpublished, because they’re very personal and vulnerable and frankly I don’t want to burden anyone else with my stuff, or defend my work, or wonder what people think about it. But I read something recently that said it’s not the job of the artist to chase after her work, defending it. That’s a lawyers job. Luckily, I know a good lawyer, so I’m just going to set the art free, and allow you to do with it what you will. 💗