A few weeks ago my sisters, my grandma, Eric and I were sitting around my parent's kitchen table when the subject of personality types came up. My sister Eden has always thought of herself as a type A "mini Hans." Hans, my dad, is a type A++: decisive, organized, efficient, likes control. Eden thought that's how she is too, but everyone disagreed. Eden is super silly, easygoing and laid back. However, she likes to be on top of her work, she likes her life organized and tidy, so she assumed, if not an A++, she was at least an A. The rest of the table said nope. B. (Well not me, I still think she's an A. Maybe an AB.) Eden, clearly shell shocked, was left to ponder this revelation, while everyone else at the table moved on to the REAL TYPE A, ME. Words like "stressed out" and "controlling" were tossed about, and, feeling a little uneasy, I demanded we find a real definition to see what exactly constitutes a type A.