
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Coming Home

Would you rather show up for a party under or overdressed? It’s a strange feeling, when you show up somewhere having totally missed the mark, attire-wise. With the first glimpse of a patent leather pump, everything you thought the event was going to be is chucked out the window while you search for some red lipstick, something, anything, to help you find a place in the orbit of the party for which you are clearly not prepared.  Oops. I now tend toward overdressed.

when in doubt, wear a tutu.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why it feels as though I've been punched in the gut.

Can I let you in on my dirty little secret?

I bought a tanning package.

You might wonder WHY a twenty-first century lady like myself would spend a couple of minutes a day, a few days a week in a cancer bed when she absolutely knows better?

  Let me show you.

Surprisingly, my employer has not yet issued pink gorilla suits as standard wardrobe, so thankfully, that is not me in the photo above.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Guys!  It’s a new year!  I hope you’re off to a great start.  We had a great holiday, and now that things have settled down, I'm excited to share some of the highlights of our Christmas.